Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Spider Dad

We no longer have two baby girls, we have two little girls, They walk, they talk they experiment with our patience. m is already remembering the alphabet and the numbers 1 and 2. If you talk to them about something from a few days ago, they remember it, down to the sound effects. Z can still impersonate the ocean and the cold wind from when we went to Bodega Bay. It was the second time at the beach during Thanksgiving weekend, We ate Thanksgivings at Pacifica and walked on the beach after dinner. the girls were all gussied up in little dresses and I managed to slick their wild hair down. Boy did grandma hate that. She took z into the bathroom (we let them go potty with females to inspire them). When they came out, lo and behold, z's hair was all puffy, like grandma had completely undid my work. I thought it was funny and never said anything, As long as Grandma is helping with child care, she can give them mohawks.

On my way to work, while walking from the station, There came the sound of a fire truck and a police car coming my way. This is not unusual so I ignored them. As long as it wasn't another explosion (see "Ka-Boom" blog entry). When a police car passed by me, I started to fantasize, what if I were Spider Man? I looked at the building next to me and imagined secretly scooting up the wall, changing into my costume. I then wondered which would I follow? The fire truck or the police car. When another cop car did an illegal u-turn in front of me and another rushed past I figured Spiderman may be needed where the police are going. Besides, Fireman don't need no costumed freak getting in their way. The more I walked toward work the more police cars I saw going left and right. I round the corner and am passing by this fenced in garage/gas station and I see this Black guy about 20 feet away, pacing around and thinking. Nothing out of the ordinary. Suddenly about 10 cop cars converge around me . A copper jumps out and says into his radio: " We got him. Gas station on 16th!" Er-ah wait a minute, I think, That's me? I look around for whoever they could be talking about. Surely not the solemn Black guy? He's not even attempting to run away. I step to the side and freeze. I imagine If it is the Black guy, and I try to make a run for it when he starts shooting, a late comer cop will just open up on me because I looked guilty with the running away from the bullets and all. About 10 cops run around, looking for a way to get into the fenced in area. One Einstein tries to climb over the fence, a barbed wire fence! He doesn't get very far, He manages to get one leg up and kinda hangs there for a few minute. Meanwhile his comrades find the entrance and rush in and tackle the guy, who never puts up a struggle. Obviously although he's what I guess is a recent murderer suspect, He knows the rule as Chris Rock says: "If the cops have to chase after you, they're bringing an ass whooping with them." Eventually, T.J Hooker, gets off the barb wire and climbs down. The only saving grace for him is he didn't rip his pants. Can you imagine? He's already gonna get ripped for trying to climb the fence: "Hey Joe, maybe we should call you Bob Wire! Har-har" they'll say in the locker room.
The interesting thing is, If I were Spiderman, I totally could have got that guy with one web shot and a hanging from a streetlight. But then I would have been late for my Job. A job that sucks, a job which wouldn't care or understand even if the head boss knew my secret: "Well sure you saved the Mayor from The Lizard man, but your proofs are late. What am I gonna tell the customers?"

I kinda feel like that's what it's like being a parent. Sure you swing in and get your kids picked up on time, make a great dinner that they love, have a great play time, they go to bed on time, happy and content and sleep trough the night. But your stupid ass job bitches at you because some fucking customer, didn't get their job, although they waited until the last moment and want it before they go skiing at Tahoe. So Spiderman has a choice, stop saving the world or let their bosses take their 2 hour lunches and go home on time without worry.

Hmmm. Which one, which one?

That's it

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


I love the age the kids are at. The language is rolling in like water. We have: “Please, truck, bus, No (which is pronounced Neu!), bye bye Daddy and mine!” There’s also this word that they use for chicken or long conversations which sorta sounds like: “Plicka plicka plicka.”

I figured out why the kids love Grandma so much. Because the woman never says no! We came home the other day and one kid is standing on the arm of the couch, which we’ve told them not to do, and the other is standing on this giant toy block, which we’ve also told them not to do. Grandma is sitting back and enjoying the show, drinking a Bloody Mary. Okay, she wasn’t drinking a Bloody Mary. Maybe it was Vodka Gimlet. The point is the kids must get sick of “get off of that, put that down, get that ferret out of your mouth” from the parents. Grandma must be a nag vacation. That’s what they should call them, Nag Vacations.

So at work, I’m running away from a series of large explosions, I look behind me to see a fireball the size of a three-bedroom house rise out of the sky. “Holy shit!” I say. This is NOT a dream! This really happened! Earlier, I was sitting at my desk when there was a booming rumble and the windows shook. This is not out of the ordinary because we live in Earthquake Ville and on the road next to the building, really heavy trucks rumble by. I ignore it. Then there were two more thunderous rumblings. They were exactly the kind of thumps you would feel if Godzilla were tramping toward your building. The large windows seemed like they were going to come crashing down and mandolin this woman who has her desk right underneath them.
“Is that an earthquake? Goes this guy “A”. I know it’s not an earthquake because there were thumps instead of a swaying motion. “I think it’s an earthquake he says heading for the door which is the worst thing to do in an earthquake because you’re more likely to get clobbered by stuff falling outside. “Holy Shit!” Someone outside the office says. We investigate and see that about a block away, there’s this Victorian apartment building on fire and black smoke is rising into the sky. Then a BOOM! A fireball rises up. “A” takes off running away from the blast. My first thought was: “Gas main!” In San Francisco, it seems every day someone gets blown up by a gas main hit by a crazy city worker. “Chain reaction!” Was my second thought? What if this is part one of a series of explosions? I take off after A. As I mentioned in the beginning, I looked back and saw another explosion and a huge fireball rise up. The location seemed familiar to me. Wait! I say that’s the place that rents out building equipment like bulldozers and cherry pickers. They also sell propane gas and have a bunch of tanks outside. Or it could be the gas station across the street from it. Either way I wasn’t going back to work until the fire tucks showed up. Eventually, 5 of them roared by and got things under control. I go back to work and discover from M (The guy who thought he had won the lottery. see: Sock Soup entry) that yes indeed it was the propane tanks at the rental place exploding. He knew this because when the explosions started, he ran TOWARD the fire and called another guy to get their camera. “Wait.” I say. “You ran towards the explosions? And you’re not wearing a cape?” While watching the fire from a block away, an explosion went off and sent him into a wall. He then noticed that 5 guys, even closer to the fire were laid out, flat. Luckily, no one was hurt. Now, the scary part. I get off work at 3:30. The explosions started at 3:00. On my way to the train station, I walk within 5 feet of the propane tanks. The next day I had to get off work early to pick up the family car from the mechanic. I left work at 3! Imagine, if the days were switched?

It’s not the first time death swung a bat at my head (and of course not the last), once I was coming from Myrtle Beach with my dad and older brother. I fall asleep in the back of the green Aspen and am awaken by the car in a tailspin. There’s dirt flying into the car and we end up backwards in a ditch. Turns out, older bro had headphones on and spaced out.

The connection between both of these events are the words:” Holy Shit.” When the explosions were going off and I was spitting dirt out of my mouth, I uttered the words: “Holy Shit!” as my last words. I don’t want that to be my last words! Todd Beamer on United Airlines flight 93 said “Let’s Roll!” as his last words before he and his fellow passengers attacked the terrorists who were trying to make them watch a Julia Roberts movie. His kids will say, “My daddies a hero and said let’s roll. Mine will say, my dad ran like a flaming bastard out of hell and said holy shit before being torpedoed by a propane tank.

I think we should all practice what our last words should be, in case a news truck or your family is there to witness your death. Flaming propane tank heading toward skull? “Ho ho! Hell has sent an angel!” Spinning crap-ass green American car heading toward ditch? “Aye! Whirlpool of life! I spiral into the abyss!” or something like that.

That’s all