Saturday, August 14, 2010

Give me money. God bless you etc...

Hey! I have T-shirts and shit for sale.
• Show your contempt for "The Man"!
• Be a non-conformist conformist!
• Be that weird person in high school that will be remembered a lot more than that hazing, jock, douche-bag, now a fat, bald, unemployed used car salesman. Or that peroxided cheerleader, now an alchoholic Republican with skin like a leather wallet.

Go here, buy stuff, be awesome!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Vote No on prop 69

Okay. I've finally figured out how something works, which is rare because I break everything and never get them fixed. In California, like a couple of other states we have wacky propositions which appear on the ballots every now and then that make you say: "What a stupid, racist homophobic piece of shit legislation, there's no way in hell, people are going to be that stupid and vote on that." A few months later– surprise! Motherfuckers! It's now illegal for Gays to breathe oxygen.

I can never figure out how these stupid laws get passed. I mean, no one I know voted for them and California seems to be a little more enlightened than Arizona or Texas. Yet, we still pass laws against affirmative action, Mexican citizenship and Gay marriage and there are all of these cities in Cal, waving their blue, hypocritical fingers at Arizona.

The people of Arizona seem to have two flawed thought patterns. 50% of the people that voted to kick Mexicans in the balls, said: "Thisouttashow-um!" And the other side, that would have voted against it because it really is just a law to kick Pedro in the huevos rancheros
said: "Well, I'm just tired of kicking people in the balls. I want the federal government to step in and do their job...of kicking Mexicans in the balls. Going on that flawed logic of trying to force the feds to do their jobs by voting for a crazy-ass law is akin to voting for child molesters to become school teachers: "That'll show the feds to not allow school prayer!"

But how, how I wondered, do these laws get passed? If every White person were a racist,
White, Christian , Republican, Conservative Male with a thing against Blacks, Gays and Mexicans. They still wouldn't out number the Non racist, White, Blacks Gays and Mexicans who should be voting against the racist/homophobic laws. Ahhhh, but theres the rub. If the Ultra right tea wingers put a law on the ballot that read:

Prop 69: Shall the State of California make it legal to kick Black, Gays and Mexicans in the Nads?" That proposition wouldn't even get on the ballot. BUT if you were to take proposition 69 and break it into tiny little evil pieces, then you can get it passed before anyone realized that they'd all been slapped, bent and butt fucked...Except perhaps the Gay guy. "Oooo! Oh No he didn't!"

Example: 1) Law 1 in California (prop 13 I think), that said basically: "Shall we take away the money used for homeless shelters and use it to lower our taxes? "Hell yeah!" everyone but the homeless people yelled. Law 1 passes. Years later, California and especially San Francisco are still dealing with the large number of hobo run-offs.
Years later:

Law 2 gets on the ballot that says: "Shall California beat up on illegal Mexicans?": "Hell yeah!" Yell the racist Whites, Blacks and Gays. "Hell no!" Yell the Mexicans. Law 2 passes. Years later:

Law 3: "Shall California give Martin Luther King Jr. the finger and take away affirmative action?". Hell yes!: yell the racist Whites, Gays and Mexicans (who are pissed about Law 2). "Are you insane?" Yell the Blacks. Law 3 passes. Then came:

Law 4 (prop 8): "Shall California create state sponsored discrimination against people who want to put a P in an A or tongue to V?" "Hell Yeah!" Yell Homophobic religious ,Whites, Blacks, Mexicans and Hobos who were promised a bottle of mad dog 2020 if they voted yes. "Wha-wha waaa?" Yell the queers who thought: "Surely everybody loves Will and Grace." Law 4 passes.

Do you see the pattern now? In California, Arizona's law would be just the same old bullshit law taken apart and voted on piece by piece. I'm sure in 5 years you'll see Prop 000: "Shall Blacks be forced to ride in the back of the bus?" "Make sense to me" says everyone else not affected by that law. Those are the key words": Not affected." Just like the story of Anne Frank, if you don't stand up when they come for your neighbor, who is going to save your sorry ass when the jack-booted Tea Party thugs vote to have your rights taken away?

10 other states are already talking about an Arizona type law. I'm curious how many of them are actually on the border to Mexico and how many are just part of the master plan to start whittling away the rights of anyone that isn't straight White, Christian , Republican, Conservative males. The only way to stop them is to vote against any law that takes away the rights of anyone. I mean why the hell were we given rights in the first place? Just to have some Hitler asshole take them away?
Did you know the United States didn't enter WW2 until the Japs (their words) bombed Pearl Harbor. And yet everyone including the congress knew what the Nazis were doing to the Jews, England, France, Poland even Africa was getting attacked and it wasn't cool like that show Rat patrol. But as soon as Pearl Harbor is bombed, then we're all like: "Let's get those Nazi bastards!"; The perfect example of waiting until it messes up your shit until you get all upset.
Oh Plllease! Give me a fucking break. We should have been up Hitlers ass the minute he grew that ugly mustache.

That's All EM

Thursday, May 06, 2010

"Gang way! Big Melons Coming Through!"

One of the things that blows my freaking mind, and by freaking mind, I actually mean fucking mind, are the rich-bitch customers that come into Target. I mean, really, why are you shopping at Target? Are you broke as all hell like the rest of us or is this some kind of slumming thing?: "Look at me, Poopsie, I'm pretending to be poor, let's go to a monster-truck rally, next." But their presence doesn't really bother me, it's the way they say thank you. I know I shouldn't criticize anyone that even speaks to me at Target, I'll get to those knuckle dragger's later, but when these women say thanks You can't hear it unless you were a dog with a cone in his ear. The only sound you hear is the "s" on the end of the word. So instead of thanks, all you hear is : sssssss. "Holy shit!" I yell, "Look out lady! there's a snake in here or a leaky gas pipe!"
Speaking of annoying, How hard is it, when a cashier says"Hello. or thank you, to return the favor? I mean, I totally understand that before you came to Target, You had an abortion and then your car got a flat and then your boyfriend broke up with you by TXT MSG because he didn't think that the baby was his, even tough the baby wasn't even an issue anymore–But still, all you have to do is repeat what the cashier says: If they say: "Good morning", you can even say the more non-committed: "Morning." Or even "Hi" But Nooo, they just ignore me as if I've just said: "Hi, are you fat or pregnant?"

Speaking of pregnant (nice segue). One of the few perks of the job are the pregnant or formally pregnant women. It's not that they're extra nice. Sometimes they are and other times they look like they want to hurl, I should probably stop eating live baby chicks at my register. But for reason's I have to know, they always like to wear these skimpy low-cut tops. Now I'm not into pregnant women like those weird porn sites that cater to those fetish freaks, but if you know anything about human physiology, when women get pregnant and especially during breast feeding, THEIR BOOBS GET GIGANTOR! And so, when they come up to the register, wearing low-cut tank tops, it's like their boobs are leading the way like a pushy, bodyguard shoving adoring fans out of the way to make room for the movie star. But why the low-cut shirts? In winter ? My theory is: Either their boobs hurt and the low cut things are more comfortable; The low-cut tops are easy for baby access or my favorite, they're saying: "Finally! God has blessed me with the body of a Barbie doll without one dollar of surgery! Read-em and weep boys!" Can't touch this! Do do do do!
The only time I was thrown for a loop was when a 20-something year-old woman had a chest like two bald-headed men under a blanket. But then, I noticed that she wasn't pregnant! Nor had she any body fat which also produces women with 44 DDDs. My diagnoses: Stripper, desperate house wife or mafia moll.

Speaking of getting reamed (not a good segue), They gave us our reviews recently and even tough people worked their asses off, picked up their asses and screwed them back on, they of course rewarded us with raises that make working in a Chinese shit factory look like a up-grade.
I've seen this happen before, when I worked for an art supply store. We worked our asses off, picked them up, polished them clean and kept working, and made the store lots of dollar signs. Come raise time, what do they do? Chinese shit factory! This of course caused a mass exodus of all of the good employees and a year later the place went out of business. You heard it here first. If Target folds, don't say they weren't warned.

Speaking of projectile vomiting.
That's all, EM

Friday, April 16, 2010


On my way to work on Big-ass, slow, truck getting in my damn way, day; celebrated by having a large, slow truck keeping my car from catching any green lights, I heard a story on NPR or as I like to call it: Not Public, Really. There was a story of how scientist want to deal with the whole global warming thing. Not by building electric cars, low watt vibrators or getting people to stop driving SUVs, but by shooting reflective shit into the atmosphere and having the particles reflect sunlight; therefore cooling the planet a little. I'm going to pause for a second so you can think about this.........................Okay, let us think about this. Apparently, none of these scientist have ever seen the Animatrix. Remember, those series of cartoons based on the Matrix? What? Didn't see it? Neither did a lot of people. Okay in one of the series of cartoons, it shows the origin of the whole fucked-up Earth thing and why the sky is all lightning-smoky. Simple: the robots ran on solar power so the humans crop-dusted the atmosphere with smoke to block the sunlight, causing the robots to start using humans as batteries. Of course we don't have any computers or robots that can come close to world domination, YET! (insert 1950's sci-fi music here) But I rather they bribe coal company execs with NASCAR tickets and trailer-whore blow jobs, or spend trillions of dollars on a SUV buy-back program, before we start shooting metallic dust into the atmosphere–it's like sketching with all of humanity! When you try something stupid, like; say, pretending that the carpet is hot lava and try to go around your house without touching the floor (not that I'd ever do that) and your wife comes in and surprises you, causing you to fall onto that ugly-ass lamp you wanted to get rid of anyway, That qualifies as a stupid-ass thing to do BUT the worst thing that happened is a broken lamp shaped like an elephant having sex with Sarah Palin (or at least that's what it looked like to me). You can easily replace the lamp. YOU CAN"T REPLACE THE ATMOSPHERE. There's no reset button that makes that Apple computer start-up noise; Shwoooong!

Have you ever notice that all disaster movies always have a Black president? Is that why scientist want to try the whacky idea that causes tidal waves in the Tibetan mountains?

Coming soon! What happens when tons of metallic dust is shot into the atmosphere?
Jeff Goldblum, Morgan Freeman and John Cusack star in:
Armageddon the Fuck Outta HERE!

Humans are so lazy (I say that as if I'm some kind of alien or robot): OR AM I! But we always take the path of least resistance. Want to solve global warming? Crop dusting! Flooding? Trailers! World hunger or AIDS? Send them Bibles! War? More war!

One day, my daughters will ask me what we did to end global warming. I'd rather say. Built wind mills, bullet trains and carbon sucking power plants instead of scratching my belly, burping and then saying: "We farted into the atmosphere."

That's all, E.M
NPR story here

Friday, March 12, 2010

Life in Mordor

While I was out gathering shopping carts in the cold rain, today I've came to the conclusion that Target is Mordor. I mean, think about it. You have that big glowing logo like a big flaming eye, watching everything. You have the Hobbits (cashiers, sales floor people) who just want to make it trough the working day and be left the fuck alone. You have the Elves: (office people) who aren't evil or anything but want to make things easy for everyone and are therefore a little uncommitted. The Dwarfs: (disgruntled Hobbits) They hate the job so much that they don't give a shit anymore. Dwarfs are usually fired fast, so as not to spread their influence. Monsters: (customers) Not all monsters are bad, some are quite nice. But anyone that enters your personal space should make you put your hand on your sword and prepare for the worst. Trolls: people who do the shit work: (Janitors, loading dock...etc. ) Usually undocumented workers. Wizards:( Head management) Are they good or bad? Doesn't really matter. Their goal is to destroy other wizards (Walmart, Cosco) no matter what they have to do . It's best you stay out of their way or get hit with a lightning bolt. Humans (Realistic supervisors and managers). Whenever I hear any Supervisors complain about any policy's, or change the rules, I think : "Okay, you still have a realistic view of what it's liker to work at a crap ass retail job. therefor, holding on to their humanity. As opposed to:
Golums (Overzealous brain-washed workers) These are the worst of the worst as far as dealing with on a daily basis. These are the employees who have sold their souls to the devil and without a bit of irony, will use words like: "team member" or brand loyalty" and honestly believe any dribble that comes out of the Target manifesto. There's this girl at work who is soooo much into Target that it's like she has absolutely no other life outside of the store. I mean really? Isn't Target just a job? The only people who have any chance of a career are the Elves and wizards. Golums are very unpredictable because at any moment they'll grab the ring and throw your sorry ass into the volcano.

I've been working so long at Mordor, that I feel like I'm slowly getting my soul sucked out of me by that glowing eye thingy. Getting out of bed is like realizing that : "Shit!" I have to get this god-damned ring off before I start using words like :"Target team building exersise"

It doesn't make matters better when people say: "At least you have a job." As opposed to what? Yes, no job could be worst but that's like losing a leg and someone says: "At least you still have one left." George Bushit really did a number on the economy and yet people act like it's Obama's fault for trying to fix it.

I mean, come on! I can track your circulatory system from your heart trough your entire body. I have graphic art experience and animate my own movies. and here I am, gathering shopping carts in the rain, talking poor people into getting credit cards and having customers argue with me because a bra cost $4 more than the sign on the self said. Here's clue: If you had said hello to your cashier, I'd change the price with no problem. Otherwise I deserve a metal for controlling my foot in ass disease.

Bottom line. I have to get the fuck out of Mordor.

That's it: