So, now that GooGoo owns EVERYTHING, I've noticed that they've added some cool thing to the Blogger site. One is an easier way to post puictures...Pictoores...fuck'n photos. Okay, maybe not pictures of people fucking but...wait a minute, I spelled pictures right in that last part, maybe I should go back and edit this post. Oh fuck it. I'm too tired. I'm still taking classes trying to get into that god damned radiology program at Kaiser. They make it so hard to improve your life. I seriously hate them. They keep added pre-reqs as if you have all the time in the world.
Here's a picture ofAs offensive as Gays may be to some, I'd pay good money to raise my girls in a Gay neighborhood, rather than this Trash culture drive-by shooting pisshole part of the East Bay. I swear, you'd thing the people living here would appreciate living in a good weathered, near the ocean location without a Klu-Klux Klan? But nooooo. There's this one fucking house on the block where this woman has like three boys between 19 and 23 all living there. The youngest likes standing on the sidewalk with his thuggy friends as if he were living in Da- hood, some say he's selling drugs out of their garage. Personally I don't care what you do, just shut up when you do it, but nooooo, him and his side-show-boom-car friends tried to make as much noise as possible to yell:"Hey! Look at me! I'm a drug dealer! I'm Snoop Doo-Doo,Nelly 50 Cent. I'm not some middle class brat living near Berkeley. I reject your open attitudes and crank my stereo up at 2AM!" A week earlier, him and his Snoop-Dogs were standing on the sidewalk at 1AM, Did I mention that they are the only house in the neighborhood that act like this? It's like a Jr. Ghetto on our street. I literally said: I bet the real drug dealers are going to get sick of this pretend cartel and take them out. A week later, While in the kitchen, I hear: POW! POW! POW! POW! Sure enough a genuine drive-by shooting in suburbia. A billion shots into their garage were fired. Nobody was hurt BUT the little old lady next to them, who has been calling the cops on them for 13 years, had 2 bullets trough her window! They missed the target (or it was a warning). Note to drug dealers. Learn to shoot. It gets worst. Now you think the mother of the boys would learn to watch her son's activities more? Noooooo. M, wrote an e-mail to her news group complaining of the event and asking for suggestions, somehow Ma Barker got ahold of the posting. I know she doesn't read the news group thing otherwise she'd learn how much a pain in the ass her house is. The woman prints out the e-mail, types her respose on the front and sticks it in the mail box of all of the houses on the block. Most of these people had no idea who she was or even that they were the annoying house with the drive-by. In the letter she talks about how smart she is, how her son is in college, how yes she has a gun but it's registered...Wait, YOU HAVE A GUN? The letter went on with things like that, I can't report more because I'm afraid she'll discover this blog and shoot me or worst, write another response.
Ever since the drive-by, we are seriously looking for another place to live. Apparently we aren't the only ones, you can't go one block without seeing a 'for sale' sign. Meanwhile in the good-outer and inner neighborhoods, I rarely see anything decent for sale we can afford.
The house across the street has been quiet for a while but so what. The competition will be back I'm sure and this time, I'm sure they'll have those shooting lessons.
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