Monday, December 22, 2014

Leia's Outfit

Okay. In Return of the Jedi, Leia gets captured trying to save Han and in the next scene, she's wearing the classic slave Leia outfit. My question is, how did we go from dressed like an alien to intergalactic bikini babe? Keep in mind that Leia has proven that she is tough and is capable of killing. You have three scenarios:
1) "Put this on or we'll drug you and put it on you."
2) "Put this on or these two  Lekku women will force it on you (much wrestling ensues, many men were entertained) and…
3) "Put this on? Gladly! I've always wanted to wear one of these! O-M-G! is that Bantha fur? Do you know how hard it is to work with Bantha fur? This is good craftsmanship. Can I keep this after I escape? I'm serious, after I kill you all, I'm totally gonna keep this. Han Solo is gonna get a raging boner when he sees me in this one.

That's all, E.M.


  1. the lekku are the head-tails that they have, the species are called twi'leks

  2. also this is cool and i've never thought about t before
